SEEK - Australia's no. 1 jobs, employment, career and recruitment site

Apply on your site, with SEEK
MilestonesTo help guide you through the Apply on your site, with SEEK API development and integration, the following are steps that we expect your project to go through to ensure successful development and integration of the Apply on your site, with SEEK API:
  1. Optimise your site for mobile applications
  2. Ensure you have provided SEEK with the redirect URI’s that you would like SEEK to redirect to
  3. Ensure SEEK Apply Solution Credentials have been received
  4. Review the documentation in this portal and the API Terms of Use
  5. Add the “Apply with SEEK” button to your application forms for SEEK and Non-SEEK Job Advertisements, and write code to handle button click requests
  6. Add an endpoint for SEEK to redirect back to with an authorization code
  7. Get an Access Token from SEEK’s Token endpoint
  8. Perform a prefill request and record the relevant application Id returned in the payload for use during the completion signal
  9. Retrieve the resume and attach to the job application if available
  10. Map SEEK’s profile fields to your fields and render page to job candidate
  11. Record that a candidate has submitted an application and return a complete signal to SEEK
  12. Ensure that the “Apply with SEEK” button is functional on all platforms and devices
  13. Ensure that the integration of the Apply on your site, with SEEK API works when instantiated from job advertisements on SEEK and off SEEK
When your Apply on your site, with SEEK API development has been completed, please send the following to API Implementation:
  • A completed API Integration Checklist (supplied upon request)
  • Outcomes from the Support and Implementation section under Integration Requirements
Optimise your site for mobile applicationsApply on your site, with SEEK has been designed to directly address the needs of candidates applying for jobs from a mobile device – a fast growing segment. As such your application forms should be optimised for mobile devices, for example using responsive design, by the time you are ready to deploy Apply on your site, with SEEK.